Corporate Strategy – Points
We need to recognize that the shifting marketplace of customer needs means that
creating strategy needs to be Customer-Centric, not product/services centric.

A Customer-Centric Strategy directly zeros in on the customer’s own business model and how your product/service better implements their model.
In addition, it’s clear by now that any strategy needs to reflect the Unique Value Position arising from the company’s Products/Services, People, and Processes.

Digital Transformation Strategy
Digital transformation is the process of re-thinking all of the parts of the business model
which can be carried out in software; leveraging systems instead of merely using legacy
methods; and moving into the networked/remote environment that is increasingly
required to compete.

A primary example is where digital transformation leads to attaining improved cycle
times, margins, and competitive positioning.

Business Methodologies that Support Strategy
Let us point out a handful of business approaches that have been proven to drive strategies
forward, including:

Increasing the customer’s Perceived Value of the services;
This in turn leads to higher margins services.

Building Customer Loyalty and Inter-Relationships to create recurring revenue leading to
enhanced revenue streams.

Increasing the company’s Competency Base to capture more kinds of services that can
be offered; this leads to dominating a market niche by offering one-stop services.

Creating a business model that produces both high margins and consistent
revenue growth. This in turn drives shareholder equity value.

Constructing and adopting a strategy monitoring system based on its
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Focusing the business model on reducing marketing and production (indirect) costs,
leading to minimizing all expenses in order to drive the bottom line.